The Journal of Social & Health Sciences (JSHS) is an open access peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal committed to providing a national and international forum for the dissemination of scientific knowledge on social and health issues. JSHS invites contributions in the form of original articles, reviews, case studies, case reports, viewpoints, communications, letters, and commissioned editorials to inform health practitioners, social scientists, and policymakers about current research, policy, and practice in areas of interest.
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JSHS adopts the fully Gold Open Access model, ensuring all articles are freely accessible to the public immediately upon publication, with no paywalls or subscription fees. The journal's dedication to open access publishing aims to enhance the global distribution and accessibility of research in the social and health sciences, maintaining high standards of peer review and editorial integrity.
Manuscript must be submitted by one of the authors, strictly adhering to the journal's guidelines. Non-compliance may result in submission rejection or a correction request. JSHS accepts submissions in English only, in electronic Microsoft Word (MS) and PDF formats.
By submitting a manuscript to JSHS, authors confirm that they have:
JSHS considers various article types, each with specific requirements:
Articles must present original research findings, with a word count ranging from 2,500 to 4,500, excluding the abstract and references. The abstract should be a single, unstructured paragraph under 300 words, summarizing the study’s background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. The standard structure for articles includes sequential sections: abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusions.
Reviews should present comprehensive analyses of existing literature and recent developments in areas relevant to JSHS. Submissions must adhere to a recommended word count of 5,000 words and refrain from introducing new, unpublished data. The structure should include an abstract, keywords, an introduction, relevant sections, a discussion, conclusions, and future directions. A concise abstract, summarizing the content of the review in no more than 300 words, is mandatory.
Systematic reviews offer a meticulous synthesis of existing research on a specific topic, employing clearly defined search parameters and methodologies to gather, assess, and synthesize evidence systematically. Unlike traditional reviews, these articles include a dedicated methods section detailing the search strategy and selection criteria.
Submissions must follow the PRISMA Guidelines closely, incorporating a PRISMA Flow Diagram within the main text or as supplementary materials. Authors can find the flow diagram template on the PRISMA Website. We also recommend registering the review protocol in a recognized registry like PROSPERO before starting data extraction, enhancing transparency and credibility. A minimum word count of 4,000 words is suggested for systematic reviews.
Authors are required to include in the methods section a statement confirming adherence to PRISMA guidelines and, if applicable, registration details.
Case reports must describe interesting or unusual cases within a maximum of 1,500 words, aiming to inform about potential future occurrences. They focus on current or rare conditions and may contribute to healthcare improvements or diagnostic approaches. The abstract, or extract, should not exceed 150 words. The number of references should be kept to a minimum.
Case studies provide analyses of real-life interventions or experiences within organizations, offering insights that may not constitute original research. They follow the same formatting as case reports, with a limit of 1,500 words and an extract not exceeding 150 words. The number of references should be kept to a minimum.
Viewpoints (also known as commentaries) allow authors to express opinions and interpretations on techniques, practices, or clinical science, with a limit of 1,500 words. A summary of up to 150 words should highlight the viewpoint's main points, adopting a magazine-style narrative.
Communications should describe new results of significant interest that do not fulfill the criteria for full-length articles, with a word limit of 1,500. They may extend previously published research and follow the same structure as articles.
Letters, not exceeding 800 words, offer commentary on articles published in JSHS or other journals. An extract should summarize the letter in no more than 100 words, and references should be kept to a minimum. The Editor-in-Chief may subject letters to peer review.
Editorials, typically commissioned but also open to unsolicited submissions, should not exceed 800 words. Authors interested in submitting an editorial are encouraged to contact the Editorial Office beforehand. An extract, no longer than 100 words, should accompany the editorial. There is no restriction on the number of references, but they should be kept to a minimum.
This section outlines guidelines for manuscript preparation:
Submit your manuscript as an electronic file in MS Word format. PDF files are not acceptable for initial submission.
Use a serif typeface, such as Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5-line spacing for the body of your manuscript.
Normal margins should be used, with at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) on each side of the document.
The length of manuscripts may vary by article type. Refer to the specific article type guidelines for word count limits.
The title of the manuscript should be concise, accurately reflecting the article's content.
The names of all authors who have significantly contributed to the manuscript should be provided in the order in which authors would like them to publish. The following details are mandatory for each author:
We act in compliance with the standards defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and fully support the transparent application of ethical standards on published work. Contributors who do not meet authorship criteria should be acknowledged separately. All authors must confirm their contributions. For details on authorship criteria, consult the ICMJE Recommendations.
Authors may submit a brief professional biography (up to 100 words) in a separate MS Word file. This is optional but recommended.
Disclose any research funding received, specifying the funder's role in the study.
JSHS requires authors to include a statement of conflicts of interest on the title page of the manuscript. This statement should declare any financial or non-financial competing interests related to the work presented in the manuscript. If there are no conflicts, state:
Conflict of Interest: The author(s) declare(s) no conflicts of interest.
Authors should include a statement in the manuscript regarding data availability. If authors opt not to share their data, they are required to provide a rationale for this choice (see Editorial Policy for Data Sharing).
The abstract should be written in an unstructured format following the pattern of a structured abstract (background & objectives, methods, results, and conclusions). The word count limit differs depending on the type of article being submitted; authors are encouraged to review the specific guidelines for each article category for word count requirements.
JSHS encourages authors to submit a graphical abstract alongside their article. This graphical abstract serves as a visual summary of the article's key findings and can be either a significant figure from the article itself or one created specifically for this purpose. The inclusion of a graphical abstract aids in providing readers with a rapid understanding of the article's essence. The graphical abstract is featured exclusively in the HTML version of the article. Upon acceptance of the article, authors will receive specific instructions on how to create the graphical abstract.
Authors are encouraged to select up to seven keywords that reflect the core theme of their manuscript. These keywords play a crucial role in indexing the article and enhancing its visibility. Should the manuscript be accepted for publication, some keywords may be modified or replaced to align with global publication standards, ensuring the article's consistency across various platforms.
Authors are encouraged to use headings up to the fourth level to ensure the manuscript is organized clearly. The formatting for these headings should adhere to the following guidelines:
JSHS discourages the use of footnotes in manuscripts. Authors should incorporate any supplementary information or clarifications directly into the article's text. Nonetheless, footnotes may be used within tables as necessary.
Authors are required to insert all figures directly into the text, close to their initial mention within the manuscript. Each figure should be accompanied by a clear, brief caption and sequentially numbered using Arabic numerals (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2). These figures must be cited appropriately within the text. JSHS accepts both greyscale and high-resolution color figures, ensuring that all text and numerals are easily readable. Authors must be prepared to supply figures in one of the approved file formats (JPEG, TIFF, GIF, AI, XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX) and may be requested to submit figures in a specific format upon acceptance.
Tables should be embedded within the main manuscript text and provided in an editable format rather than as images. Each table must be sequentially numbered with Roman numerals and include a concise, descriptive title (e.g., Table 1: Summary of Results). The table's number and title should appear above the table itself, and references to the table should be made within the manuscript's text. Annotations or notes related to the table should be listed at its end, with superscripts or asterisks linking the notes to relevant table entries. Tables should offer new information and not merely repeat data already described in the text.
JSHS adheres to the Vancouver referencing style for both citations within the text and the reference list. Authors must ensure that every citation in the manuscript is reflected in the reference list (and vice versa) and that all references are accurate, complete, and consistently formatted. In-text citations should be denoted by Arabic numerals within square brackets (e.g., [3], [6,7]) and listed sequentially from the first citation. References in the reference list should also be numbered in square brackets and ordered according to their appearance in the text. The abstract should not contain references.
Authors may format their references using the provided examples:
If the article has more than six authors, list the first six followed by "et al." For online articles, include the date of issue (DOI) at the end of the reference.
For additional information, authors are encouraged to consult the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals and review the Samples of Formatted References.
The title page will be kept confidential and separate from the manuscript throughout the peer-review process to ensure anonymity. It should contain the manuscript's title, author's names and affiliations, the corresponding author's complete contact information (including email address), acknowledgments, a conflict of interest declaration, a data availability statement, details of authors' contributions, and the funding source.
JSHS complies with a double-anonymized peer review policy (also known as double-blind peer review), which maintains the anonymity of both authors and reviewers. Authors are required to anonymize their manuscript by adhering to the following guidelines:
Authors should adhere to the International System of Units (SI) for all measurements to ensure clarity and consistency.
We encourage authors to adhere to relevant reporting guidelines when preparing manuscripts for JSHS, aiming to maximize transparency and reproducibility in published research. The following reporting guidelines are particularly recommended:
Clinical Practice Guidelines | AGREE |
Animal Experiments | ARRIVE |
Case Reports | CARE |
Economics Evaluations | CHEERS |
Randomized Controlled Trials | CONSORT |
Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses | PRISMA |
Quality Improvement Studies | SQUIRE |
Diagnostic Accuracy Studies | STARD |
Qualitative Studies | SRQR |
Genetic Association Studies | STREGA |
Observational Studies | STROBE |
Non-Randomized Trials | TREND |
Multivariable Prediction Models | TRIPOD |
Routinely Collected Health Data | RECORD |
Quantitative PCR Data | MIQE |
Core Outcome Set Development Study Protocol | COS-STAP |
Generative AI cannot be listed as an author. If your manuscript creation involves generative AI or AI-assisted technologies, disclosing this use is important. Include the following statement before the references section at the end of your manuscript:
“During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [name tool/service] in order to [reason]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication."
Authors may withdraw their manuscript without any charges if the request is made within 7 days of submission. If a withdrawal is requested after the initiation or completion of the peer review process or after an editorial decision has been made, a withdrawal fee equivalent to the Article Processing Charge (APC) will apply.
JSHS allows and encourages authors to deposit different versions of their manuscript in institutional or other repositories. There are no embargo periods, and authors are free to share their work immediately upon acceptance and publication. For more details, please refer to our Editorial Policies section.
Authors are required to submit their manuscripts using Logixs Journals' online submission system, e-Manuscript Manager (eMM).
Note: We are currently upgrading our eMM System to improve the user experience. Unfortunately, this means the system will be temporarily unavailable. During this upgrade period, please submit your manuscripts directly via email to the journal's editorial office at [email protected].
Please submit your manuscript as two separate files:
Additionally, the License Agreement signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all contributors must accompany the manuscript submission.
For assistance, contact: [email protected]